Music Auditions
To enroll as a Music major or Music minor, each applicant must apply and be admitted to Ashland University and successfully complete an audition with the Music Department.
Auditions for prospective Music majors and minors are available in person (preferred) or by video upload. Music Education majors must also interview with the faculty. Auditioning students should contact the Music Department directly to set up a date and time.
Auditions may be scheduled throughout the year but preference for scholarship awards will be given to students auditioning by April.

Audition Dates for 2025
Monday, Feb. 17
Saturday, March 8
Saturday, April 5
Saturday, April 26
If these dates don't work for you, contact Joe Lewis at or 419-289-5132 for an appointment.
Music auditions consist of three parts:
Performance Audition
Prepare selections on your major instrument(s). Vocalists must mail or email the accompaniment at least one week before the audition. Sight-reading and scales will be included for instrumentalists.
Submit accompaniments by email to or mail to:
Ashland University Department of Music
401 College Ave.
Ashland, OH 44805
Musicianship Screening
Students will be asked to perform simple music reading exercises, match pitch with their voice, sing simple melodic patterns and execute basic rhythms. To successfully complete the audition, you must demonstrate the ability to read music in any one clef and with understanding of rhythms.
The faculty will ask each student questions about their training, background and goals. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions.
Performance Audition Requirements
- Prepare two contrasting songs in any language, preferably from these categories:
- Art song
- Oratorio or operatic aria
- A composition from the OMEA High School Solo and Ensemble List
- Music majors submitting an uploaded audition should sing two different major scales and chords (1-3-5-8-5-3-1) unaccompanied.
- Prepare scales and arpeggios of your choice.
- Prepare two contrasting solo selections from the OMEA High School Contest List or another comparable list.
- Students submitting an uploaded audition should sing:
- Two different major scales and chords (1-3-5-8-5-3-1)
- A simple song such as “America” (unaccompanied)
- Perform scales demonstrating your range.
- Prepare a solo selection from the OMEA High School Contest List or another comparable list (no accompaniment required).
- Perform an etude demonstrating technical facility (or an additional solo piece).
- Students submitting an uploaded audition should sing:
- Two different major scales and chords (1-3-5-8-5-3-1)
- A simple song such as “America” (unaccompanied)
- Perform three octave major scales.
- Prepare a solo selection from the OMEA High School Contest List or another comparable list (no accompaniment required).
- Perform an etude demonstrating technical facility.
- Students submitting an uploaded audition should sing:
- Two different major scales and chords (1-3-5-8-5-3-1)
- A simple song such as “America” (unaccompanied)
- Snare drum: Perform rudiments and a solo piece.
- Select any mallet instrument to perform major scales and a solo piece.
- Optional: Select pieces for drum set, timpani or other instruments.
- Students submitting an uploaded audition should sing:
- Two different major scales and chords (1-3-5-8-5-3-1)
- A simple song such as “America” (unaccompanied).
- Perform a hymn in four-part harmony.
- Prepare one of the following:
- German Chorale Prelude of the pre-Bach period
- A work by J. S. Bach
- Select and prepare a composition of your choice.
- Students submitting an uploaded audition should sing:
- Two different major scales and chords (1-3-5-8-5-3-1)
- A simple song such as “America” (unaccompanied).
- Prepare a solo selection of your choice, such as a piece from the OMEA Solo Contest list (do not use ensemble music).
- Perform several scales of your choice.
- Students submitting an uploaded audition should sing:
- Two different major scales and chords (1-3-5-8-5-3-1)
- A simple song such as “America” (unaccompanied)
- Perform two contrasting songs of your choice with accompaniment (do not use choral music).
- Music minors submitting an uploaded audition should sing two different major scales and chords (1-3-5-8-5-3-1) unaccompanied.
Music Ensemble Participant Auditions
All music ensembles are open to all Ashland University students. Most ensembles require an audition. For music majors and minors, the admission audition usually fulfills this requirement. Some students who are not music majors or minors are eligible to receive a scholarship called a Participation Grant as a member of an ensemble. The audition requirements for Band and Choir participants include the following:
Symphonic Band
Students must play a prepared piece that is not a part from their band music, as well as scales of the student’s choice, including a chromatic scale (except trombone).
University Choir
You may sing a prepared song in full or part, such as a contest solo, show tune or folk song. Please bring the sheet music to your audition.
Most auditions consist of vocal warm-ups, rhythmic and melodic echoes and sight-singing. Students may use solfege, numbers or no system at all.
Schedule Your Audition
Both membership and scholarship auditions for participants in choral or instrumental ensembles are scheduled by appointment. Contact the appropriate director to schedule your audition:
Placement Testing Information
Music placement testing typically takes place during the summer after admission to the program, but before the start of classes. These placement tests do not affect admission decisions.
- Music Theory
- Piano
- Aural Skills
- Classroom Music Skills (contact the Music department in advance)
To schedule a placement exam or inquire about testing out of a course not listed above, contact the Music Department at or 419-289-5132.